Hayrettin Kağnıcı – Those Who Guide Muslimness

“Religions are mythologies that people create to understand the world and give meaning to the difficulties of life. These mythologies reflect people’s fears and hopes, but they are far from scientific reality.”
While conducting this study, I tried to look at the subjects in a very impartial and objective manner, and to share what is written by filtering it through reason and logic. For similar subjects, very different explanations and interpretations sometimes come up, and very different meanings emerge. The reason for this is that the subject is not based on documents and science, but is built on the initial information that starts from the beginning, that is, from the zero point, and comes from assumptions.
In Turkey, they make explanations such as how the administration impoverishes people in the name of Islam and commits great corruption, and when necessary, they do all these in the name of religion. As a result of this situation, can the economy becoming inextricable, the decrease in moral values as a result of the increase in poverty and misery, the beginning of reviewing people and the cause-effect relationship and filtering the answers to the questions of “why” through reason and logic, the investigation of the documents and sources of what is said be interpreted as enlightenment in religion?
For this reason, Atatürk made great efforts to have the Quran and the call to prayer read in Turkish so that they could be understood easily and properly, but it did not suit the religious people!
If the holy book was a guide and guide with clearer and more understandable expressions, mainly on morality, virtue, virtue, justice and charity, would the world be more just and peaceful? You may object, but when we look at the numbers, if the poorest, most destitute and most miserable countries in the world, except for a few Middle Eastern countries, are Muslim and their leaders are the richest in the world, and if Muslim countries are fighting each other because of religion, isn't there something wrong with this?
Why do all religious scholars, especially none of them from the very beginning, not speak about the issues of theft, corruption, bribery, fraud, and stealing state property as very bad and great sins unless they are absolutely necessary, and do not address the increasing illegalities and immoralities, but on the contrary, try to cover them up? Poverty, poverty, makes a person beautiful, our Prophet was also poor, he used to eat a date in the evening, the poor will go to heaven five years before the rich, gratitude is the path to Allah, etc. They always talk and show the way, but they do not follow. Otherwise!
In the Neolithic, or stone age, the biggest problem of people was nutrition and shelter. If the biggest problem of Muslims in the world today is nutrition and shelter, what has changed in these thousands of years? Only leaders and supporters, using religious values, increased their own welfare levels and ignored the people. As in Turkey, the administration and the 80 million marabas working on their behalf!
If you do not know philosophy and mathematics, you cannot understand life.
If you do not know how your brain works, you cannot understand people and their behavior.
Hayrettin KAĞNICI