Hayrettin Kağnıcı – Life Is Livinig Humanely

In order to reach an answer or solution, causality and cause-effect relationship must be understood correctly depending on the subject, if the problems in the problem cannot be determined correctly, you cannot reach a solution. The easiest and most understandable way for a person, who is a small part of the great nature, to understand is to see it with philosophy and comprehensive thoughts. If you cannot look at this perspective, you cannot understand nature, social order, how our vital and most important point works, how it produces thoughts, how it is perceived.

Why are there such big changes and disagreements among people? Why do we kill relatives, why does it become correct and acceptable to kill the separations due to the differences created by the phenomenon of religion. Why do Muslims kill each other mostly in Islamic geography? How, what can be done is accepted as more understandable and we can unite in a common payment? Why do we strive to create a world where the strong are cruel instead of a life full of beauty by sharing in the finite life process. In fact;

“Life is Living Humanely”
No choice should be about ending someone else's life, one of the greatest sacred values ​​is the ownership of his/her vitality.

This book covers the subjects of “Why Muslims kill each other”, “how our brain works, how our brain produces thoughts and perceptions” as the reason for this result and “education” which is the basis for the formation of our personalities and identities, directing our behaviors.

We have a life that we do not know the rest of, We die the moment we are born and this is a true story. If you are reading these lines, it means you are already living. You have recorded your life, right now, imagine the most difficult one. Imagine going to space, sailing through the oceans, climbing Everest. Become an actor in your life, not a spectator, direct your life to you, be the scriptwriter and director of your life, add color to your life. If you change, it is around you. Use your preferences in favor of your dreams, never give up, chase after your dreams. Reach out to the sky, towards the stars, reach out further and further. Now you are half a meter closer than before, continue reaching out, you will definitely catch the general star that you are after one day.

Why are there such big changes and disagreements among people? Why do we kill our relatives, why is it that killing the separations due to the differences created by the phenomenon of religion is right and acceptable? Why do Muslims kill each other mostly in Islamic geography? How can we do it, what can be done, and what can be done, and it can be accepted as more understandable, and we can unite in a common payment? Why do we strive to create a world where the powerful are cruel instead of a life full of beauty by sharing in the finite process of life? In fact;

“Life Is Livinig Humanely”

Hayrettin Kağnıcı

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